
There's a feeling I think we have all experienced at one point or another.
We undertake a project for any variety of reasons. Something doesn't work and we have the desire to attempt to fix it, we decide that we want to remodel and change something, or maybe we are searching to build something new entirely.
The process always plays out the same. We recognize a problem, in our heads we roadmap a process with a loose idea of what the end looks like, and then we dig in. We start to dismantle the pieces, tear into the drywall, drill holes, and ultimately make a mess.
Then there's always this phenomenon that occurs right in the middle... As we look around, pieces around us, a startling feeling starts to creep in.
... I'm in way over my head.
Depending on the stakes, this feeling can directly lead straight into mild panic. For some, it's at this point that help may be called, somebody is looked for to solve the problem for us.
Maybe for those oriented as problem solvers, this is when the situation is analyzed. The objectives are revisited, problems are inventoried, and we begin to draw out a modified path forward.
And for some, this might be a window of opportunity to build something new. The challenge of improving and building better; creating something that looks different than what came before it.
Mistakes may have been made a long the way.
With the hindsight, there were things we likely would have done differently.
But at that moment surrounded by the drywall, debris, and scraps of something once standing, nothing looks like it did when you started this endeavor.
That's the challenge you wanted; to have the chance to put it back together better than before.